We have more iPhone7 repairs recently.
A lot of people buy ex-models when the new one is released I asumme.
After iPhone7, its structure became more complicated to repair I heard.
These two are iPhone7.
Especially we have to be more careful about the left one, Matblack!
Just repair is not so hard, but it is much hard to repairt beautifully!
The frame gets scratches easily.
The paint of this part of the frame gets bald by tools when we change the screens.
Especially around here.
It’s not outstanding part, so we hardly notice scratches. Maybe you think it scratched when you dropped it.
It’s someone’s fault!!
If unexperienced person try to repair iPhone7, he may scratch the panel by tools without noticing.
Some may not admit his fault..
We SMAPPLE Kagoshima branch are not one of them!!
Not only the cheap price, but great technique!
Here is a photo of iPhone7.
We repair it without any scratches♪
It’s shining everywhere.
The cost is only 13,716yen!
As of 15 Nov. 2017
We don’t charge additional tax on this price♪
↑click here for the price list
We forcu on the price and how beautifully we complete repair!
If you think these are important factors, please come to SMAPPLE Kagoshima branch.
It is accessible from Kagoshima chou sta. and private railway stations.
If you take a train, from the east exit of Chuo sta.
When you face south, you see “Ichiban gai” shopping mall!!
We are on the 2nd floor of Aeru plaza, a super market, in the shopping mall.
If you take a private railway, get off at “Miyakodoridentei.”
Cross the street infront of the sta. to the side of Chuodori sta.
Then you enter the shopping mall and make a right and walk a bit, then you see Aeru plaza on your left!
If you are in a hurry, we return your phone within 30min to an hour.
890-0053 Kagoshima chuocho 22-16 aeru plaza 2F
【Opening ours】10:00~20:00
SMAPPLE Kagoshima branch
店舗名 | スマップル鹿児島店 |
営業時間 | 10:00 ~ 19:00 |
TEL | 099-230-0404 |
住所 | 〒890-0053 鹿児島県鹿児島市中央町22-16 アエールプラザ2F |
目次非表示1. なんだかゾワゾワする…2. 修理はなんと30分!3. Instagramもお願いします!なんだかゾワゾワする… くっきり2色に分かれているものを見るとなんだかゾワゾワするのは私だけでしょうか。 ダム穴的な …投稿日:2025-01-15iPhone落として画面に穴が…画面修理ならスマップル鹿児島店で!
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そんなときはスマップル鹿児島店にお任せ下さい! たくさんのiPhoneを修理してきた経験から、必ずお役に立つという気持ちで一人ひとりの症状に合わせたご提案をカスタマーファーストで提供します! 画面が割れたり、iPhone …投稿日:2024-09-17スマホ熱中症…太陽の熱で壊れてしまう…
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