We repair your iPhone without damaging it!
It is 2min walk from Miyakodoridentei. SMAPPLE Kagoshima branch is very accessible.
Today we had a broken iPhone7. The screen was broken.
iPhone7 black is criticized for its fragile body.
In this time, it has almost no scratches.
Considering he uses it gently, I feel sorry that the screen had cracks.
We SMAPPLE Kagoshima branch can handle it!
You can drop in and leave your phone for 15min to 30min, then you will get your phone back.
Please make an appointment during busy hours.
iPhone7 is a bit complicated like a home button.
Changing panels takes one day, generally said.
But we can do it within 30min.
After repair the touch sensor worked well and the customer was very satisfied.
If you have iPhone7Plus repaired at Apple official shop, it costs about 40,000yen.
But we charge only 17,712yen inc. tax to change liquid crystal panels.
As of 23 Nov. 2017
In addition, they delete all data at an official shop.
We don’t delete them and return your phone with the same settings!
I don’t know how to back up the data…
I don’t want to wait for several days…
We are here for these people. We repair it on the same day.
People on a trip in Japan.
Foreign students in Japan.
People who don’t understand Japanese and are afraid to have it repaired.
We gave an English price list at SMAPPLE Kagoshima branch.
We repair only specific parts for short period of time!
We don’t really speak English but we repair your phone with all our efforts!
If you are worried about iPhone, please come and visit SMAPPLE Kagoshima branch.
We repair iPhone in Kagoshima city.
We can repair iPhone which is broken during the trip for 15 to 60 minutes.
We deal with Glass Replacement, LCD Replacement,and Water Damage Repair and return your device on the same day.
Please call us.
SMAPPLE Kagoshima
22-16 Chuocho, Kagoshima-shi, Kagoshima
TEL (+81)099-230-0404
店舗名 | スマップル鹿児島店 |
営業時間 | 10:00 ~ 19:00 |
TEL | 099-230-0404 |
住所 | 〒890-0053 鹿児島県鹿児島市中央町22-16 アエールプラザ2F |
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